Ten years together, and still as much fun!

- 2 min
Photo portrait de Vincent Poitout

As usual at the beginning of the academic year, I am pleased to present to you the CRCHUM’s 2023–2024 activity report, masterfully produced by our communications team, whom I warmly thank for this beautiful document. This year was special because it marked the 10th anniversary of our new research centre and gave us the opportunity to appreciate the progress we have made together since we took possession of our building in October 2013. The look of the report is splendid, but its content is no less impressive. So many discoveries, collaborations, scientific and medical breakthroughs for the benefit of patients and the population! And this is true throughout our research continuum, in basic science, clinical research, and population health. All our performance indicators have increased substantially, whether in terms of the number of publications, competitive research funds, outreach, or research valorization. But I believe that the two most transformative elements of this consolidation in a single site were our increased opportunities for collaborations between previously dispersed teams, and the easier access to our core facilities.

We owe these successes to the commitment, creativity and dedication of all the members of our diverse community, regardless of their role. This is a collective accomplishment of which we should be proud.

On a more personal note, this year also marked my 10 years as Director of Research—and now Innovation—at the CHUM, a mandate that I continue to pursue with great pleasure and pride! I feel extremely privileged by the trust you have placed in me, and remain amazed to be around such dedicated and brilliant people on a daily basis.

I wish us collectively as much success, scientific discoveries, and professional fulfillment for the next 10 years! 


Vincent Poitout
CHUM Research and Innovation Director 
CRCHUM Scientific Director 

Ten years together, and still as much fun!