Strategic and official documents

Regulatory framework, policies, data management… This page contains the different strategic documents of the CHUM Research Centre. 

Cadre réglementaire des activités de recherche* (fr)

Responsible conduct of research

Statuts de chercheurs au CRCHUM (fr)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Politique de gestion des espaces du CRCHUM (fr)

Research Bank Policy (fr)

Politique sur la civilité et la prévention du harcèlement et de la violence en milieu de travail (fr)

Conflicts of Interest Policy

*The regulatory framework governing the CRCHUM’s research activities includes operating rules that apply to scientific and ethical research integrity. Its aim is to regulate all research activities and to ensure the quality of the research projects carried out at the CRCHUM and their compliance with existing rules and policies


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