Cutting-edge scientific research
Our researchers are committed to transforming their scientific advances into progress for human health. Daring to look beyond the horizon leads them to bring new knowledge from the laboratory to the patient's bed.
Tomorrow's discoveries are taking shape today in our facilities.
Discover the wealth of our expertise.
Research directory
Our scientific community is engaged, creative and passionate. Discover the profiles of researchers who dare to reach beyond the horizon.

Research chairs
Our researchers hold 34 research chairs including 11 Canada research chairs.

Responsible conduct of research
CRCHUM adheres to the Policy for the responsible conduct of research as defined by the FRQS a...
The CRCHUM’s Bâtisseur Award and the CRCHUM Awards of Excellence are given in recognition of ...
National Table of Research Directors (NTRD)
Data Access Initiative Coordination CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM) Fonds de recherche du Québe...
Research Team Services
Discover the different services, resources and guides available and offered to the CRCHUM’s research teams to support their projects and guide them as they generate, valorise, commercialize and disseminate scientific knowledge.