Emmanuelle Brochiero, New Head of the Immunopathology Research Theme

The CHUM Research Centre management team is pleased to announce the appointment of Emmanuelle Brochiero as head of the Immunopathology Research Theme. She officially takes up her position on December 1.
A researcher at the CRCHUM since 2002 and a professor in the Department of Medicine at Université de Montréal, Emmanuelle Brochiero has assumed interim responsibility for the Immunopathology Research Theme from August to November 2019. During this period, she actively participated in the preparation of the FRQS renewal application.
In her laboratory, she and her team focus on respiratory health and study the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in acute (acute respiratory distress syndrome) and chronic (cystic fibrosis) inflammatory diseases, host-pathogen relationships and organ transplantation.
Emmanuelle Brochiero thus succeeds Nathalie Grandvaux, Director of the Host Response to Viral Infections Research Laboratory and Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at the Université de Montréal. Ms. Grandvaux was recently appointed to the position of Assistant Scientific Director for Student and Postdoctoral Affairs at the CRCHUM.
The CRCHUM management would like to thank her warmly for all the work accomplished during her short mandate.
Emmanuelle Brochiero, New Head of the Immunopathology Research Theme