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Director Laboratory of biorheology and medical ultrasonics (LBUM), CRCHUM
Professor Department of radiology, radio-oncology and nuclear medicine, Université de Montréal
Professor Institute of biomedical engineering, Université de Montréal
Other Affiliation
Member Institute of biomedical engineering, Université de Montréal
Research Interests
- Research and development in several areas related to medical imaging applied to vascular pathologies, rheological disorders of blood circulation, and breast cancer.
- Improvements to diagnosis and follow-up of hyper-erythrocyte aggregation, a pathological state promoting blood hyper viscosity and thrombotic side-effects, arterial atherosclerosis, venous thrombosis, vascular aneurysms, and cancer tumors with new imaging methods.
- Development of new methods to characterize the biomechanical properties of the abovementioned pathologies by ultrasound elastography.
- Ongoing collaborations with clinical scientists in radiology and cardiology, basic scientists specialized in cardiovascular pathologies, biomedical engineers, and medical physicists.
Research Associates
Imaging and engineering
The primary mission of the CRCHUM’s Imaging and Engineering Research Theme is to leverage engineering for the benefit of health care. By bringing together researchers from several areas of expertise, it encourages interaction and the pooling of skills. The CRCHUM’S Imaging and Engineeri…
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