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Director Ecogenomic platform for complex diseases, CHUM
Chief Gene medicine, CHUM
Member Division of endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition, CHUM
Full professor Department of medicine, Université de Montréal
Chairholder Canada Research Chair in Predictive Genomics
Other Affiliations
Member C.E.S.T. - Government of Quebec
President International Society of Pathophysiology
RUIS Representative University of Montreal at sectoral table of MSSS (Ministry of Health and Social Services)
Member Molecular Biology Program, FES
Member Committee Member, Regroupement en soins de santé personnalisés du Québec
Associate Editor Journal of Hypertension
Visiting Professor First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Associated Researcher Centre de recherche en droit public
President & CEO Medpharmgene Inc.
Researcher Institut interuniversitaire de recherches sur les populations (IREP)
Adjunct professor Division of experimental medicine, McGill University
Research Interests
- Genetics: human genetics, metabolic diseases (biochemistry), population genetics, animal genetics. Cardiology: hypertension.
- Aging: cellular aging, apoptosis.
- Epidemiology: Environmental epidemiology.
- Molecular and cellular biology: cell division.
Research Associate
Metabolic diseases, including obesity and diabetes, are major risk factors for the development of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, and are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in Western countries. The research components of this multidisciplinary axis foc…
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