Philip WONG

Philip WONG


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Assistant clinical professor Department of radiology, radio-oncology and nuclear medicine, Université de Montréal

Radiation oncologist Department of radiation oncology, CHUM

Research Interests

I am interested in:

  1. Developing prognostic and predictive markers of radiation sensitivity
  2. Testing novel strategies to combine radiotherapy with molecular agents to either improve the efficacy of radiotherapy or to better protect normal tissues from treatment toxicities

Our lab aims to fulfill the above objectives by investigating the expressions of microRNAs in tissues and the use of lab-on-a-chip microfluidic technologies.

My research domain is mainly focused on sarcoma and palliative clinical medicine.


This multidisciplinary theme brings together clinicians, basic researchers and epidemiologists. Its current activities are grouped into six sub-themes. Treatment and chemoprevention  This sub-theme, plays a front line role through the development of new treatments and chemotherapies targ…

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