
The Immunopathology Research Theme comprises a group of researchers spanning the basic and clinical research continuum and focusing on the immune/inflammatory processes involved in the disturbance and restoration of homeostasis.
These activities are rooted in shared visions regarding exploration of inflammatory mechanisms, loss of self-tolerance, immune response dysregulation and tissue damage and repair, around the following sub-themes:
Non-infectious inflammatory diseases, including systemic auto-immune diseases, osteoarthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal and conjunctive tissues, skin and intestinal inflammatory chronic disorders
Systemic auto-immune diseases represent a pole of excellence in terms of both research and clinical expertise. Indeed, the CHUM Rheumatology Department is a reference center for systemic auto-immune diseases, with clinics specializing in scleroderma, autoimmune myositis, vasculitis, pulmonary diseases associated with connectivities, and other connectivities/collagenosis (lupus, Sjögren's, mixed connectivities). The CHUM participates in local, regional and national cohorts of systemic auto-immune diseases, including the collection of biological samples and associated clinical data. Despite the prevalence of osteoarthritis, still little is known about the physiopathological mechanisms of this chronic joint disease. This research sub-theme has given rise to a reference centre in Quebec, structured around a close partnership between the CRCHUM and rheumatology departments, whose patient management forms an integral part of the research theme’s program. Our researchers are also interested in the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in chronic inflammatory diseases of the skin barrier (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis) and the intestinal mucosa (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis).
Transplantation, critical care and tissue damage and repair
Research is aimed at improving the quality of grafts, avoiding post-transplant rejection, preventing tissue damage/remodeling and restoring the functional integrity of organs in acute and chronic diseases. These studies rely on the CHUM’s transplant program (kidney, liver, heart, lung), which is the largest in Quebec, and the cystic fibrosis clinic, which is the second-largest in Canada. These activities are also part of the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program and the Quebec Respiratory Health Research Network. A “bench to bedside” and “bedside to bench” continuum of research infrastructure has been put in place, including biorepositories giving all the science community access to rare human specimens. This translational research is also strengthened by the involvement of patient partners who participate in the conceptualization of projects and the dissemination of results to the community.
Viral and bacterial infectious diseases
Our research teams primarily study sexually transmissible and blood-borne infections (HIV, hepatitis B and C, HPV), viral respiratory infections (RSV, COVID-19), as well as certain emerging viruses. Research efforts are oriented towards understanding the mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity, the identification of infection prevention and treatment approaches, the interactions between viruses and host cells to identify new antivirals, the development of vaccines, the processes involved in the eradication of viral reservoirs and in the development of liver fibrosis. These studies are conducted among people recently infected with HIV or hepatitis B and C viruses, injection drug users and transplant recipients living with HIV. A translational research program, based on innovative technologies and diagnostic tools, is also being carried out to improve the control of tuberculosis in Canada and abroad.
Development and origin of diseases, based on a “One Health” research approach
Our studies aim to understand the impact of environmental factors on fertility and offspring health, develop best fertility treatment strategies and study the influence of in vitro fertilization techniques on the early phases of embryonic development. These research studies are conducted in close collaboration with the Research Centre in Reproduction and Fertility of the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and with several in vitro fertilization clinics. Access to child follow-up cohorts also allows us to better understand the development and origin of diseases.