9 CRCHUM researchers get $7M from CIHR

- 1 min

As part of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Project Grants: Spring 2020 competition, research teams from the CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM) were awarded nearly $7 million.

With 26% of applications funded, the CRCHUM’s success rate is well above the provincial average (17%). In Quebec, 566 applications were submitted to the competition. The median value of grants awarded was $738,225.

The CRCHUM’s management would like to warmly congratulate the nine researchers who distinguished themselves.

In total, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is funding 330 researchers for an investment of $253 million. Across the country, the number of applications submitted peaked at 2,130 and the success rate was 17%. The median grant value was $747,788.

> To view all CIHR competition results

9 CRCHUM researchers get $7M from CIHR