Three teams from the CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM) have received grants totalling close to $2.3 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) as part of their rapid research response to COVID-19. On June 25, the results were officially announced by Federal Minister of Health Patty Hajdu.
“I would like to congratulate the recipients of these three new grants awarded in the unique context of the pandemic. The exceptional quality and relevance of their projects once again put our research teams and CRCHUM at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19,” says Vincent Poitout, CHUM Director of Research and Scientific Director of CRCHUM.
Teams and projects financed
Dr. Marie-Pascale Pomey
Real-time evaluation of the deployment of connected technologies and the care and service partnership during the COVID-19 health crisis — the Techno-COVID-Partnership Program ($502,487)
Dr. Cécile Tremblay
Study to assess household secondary attack rates of COVID-19 and the proportion of asymptomatic cases, including children ($859,485)
Dr. Michael Chassé
CODA-19: a COllaborative Data Analysis platform to improve clinical care in patients with COVID-19 ($937,950)
At the national level, the CIHR and its partners will finance 139 projects, 21 of which are in Quebec, for an overall investment of $109 million. A total of 926 researchers volunteered their time and expertise to peer review 1,488 applications so that the funding competition could be completed rapidly.
CIHR/COVID-19 Grants: $2.3M for CRCHUM teams
Recognition and funding – CRCHUM