Dr. Houda Bahig, recipient of a grant from the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network

- 1 min
Dre Houda Bahig

New Clinician-Scientist awardee will use artificial intelligence to advance precision medicine for patients with head and neck cancers.

Dr. Houda Bahig, researcher (Cancer Research Theme) and radiation oncologist at CHUM, is one of four promising early-career clinician scientists to receive a 2023 Award funded by the Marathon of Hope Oncology Centres Network (MOHCCN).

She will receive $225,000 over the next three years. This sum will be matched by the CHUM for a total of $450,000 dedicated to cutting-edge research in the field of precision oncology.


Find out more about the research (source: MOHCCN)

Dr. Houda Bahig, recipient of a grant from the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network
