Élisabeth Lamoureux, new student representative on the scientific committee

On December 1, Élisabeth Lamoureux, a doctoral student in clinical psychology in Gabrielle Pagé’s team (Health innovation and evaluation hub research theme), will take on the role of student representative on the CHUM Research Centre’s (CRCHUM) Scientific Committee.
She will then begin a three-year term and will attend the monthly meetings of the scientific committee alongside Marie Gasser, a postdoctoral fellow in Guy Rutter's laboratory (Cardiometabolic research theme) and postdoctoral fellow representative since June 2024.
The CRCHUM management would like to welcome her to the Scientific Committee and congratulate her warmly.
“It is with great pleasure that I have accepted the responsibility of representing the interests of graduate students at the CRCHUM. I am determined to actively contribute to the well-being and development of our student community by listening to their needs and interests, by supporting and promoting the projects and initiatives that are important to them, and by highlighting the work and research that they do, so that the student achievements shine beyond the walls of our institution.”
—Élisabeth Lamoureux.
In addition to their role on the Scientific Committee, the two representatives will co-chair the student committee and work with all its members to develop activities. This will be done in collaboration with Isabelle Doré, acting associate scientific director for student and postdoctoral affairs.
The management of CRCHUM would like to thank Kevin L'Espérance for his commitment, and the work he has done since the beginning of his mandate in October 2022.
Do you have any questions for your representatives or topics to discuss with them?
Élisabeth Lamoureux: elisabeth.lamoureux@umontreal.ca
Marie Gasser: marie.gasser.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Élisabeth Lamoureux, new student representative on the scientific committee