It’s February: Let’s Celebrate Black History and Culture!

- 2 min
En ce mois de février, célébrons l’histoire et la culture noires

The Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) and Université de Montréal’s affiliated hospital research centre, the CRCHUM, are joining forces to celebrate Black History Month, which comes around every February in Québec, Canada and around the world. 

This occasion gives us the opportunity to recognize the journeys and contributions of people from Black communities to our organization's mission to promote the health and well-being of the population as a whole. Equity, diversity and inclusion are encouraged in all our actions in order to offer the best care and services possible to the entire population. This is why the activities initiated by the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee celebrate all the communities present in our teams. It is also an opportunity to reaffirm our responsibility for reducing inequalities in health and social services.  

Did you know? 
  • Black people have been present in Canada since the early 1600s. In Québec, Black History Month was adopted by the National Assembly in 2006 to recognize and promote the contributions of Black Quebecers in order to highlight these communities’ roots in and commitment to Quebec. 
  • In one study, candidates with Franco-Quebec names were called for an interview 38.3% more often than candidates with names of African origin.

Several activities are taking place in Quebec. Check out the schedule

En ce mois de février, célébrons l’histoire et la culture noires

Other resources to learn more:


Learn more about EDI at the CHUM and EDI at the CRCHUM


It’s February: Let’s Celebrate Black History and Culture!