Manon Choinière’s team: nearly $900,000 to manage chronic pain in Quebec

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Visite Steven Guilbeault pour remise prix Manon Choinière

As part of the Transforming Health with Integrated Care research initiative, in partnership with the Fonds de recherche du Québec—Santé, the researcher (Health innovation and evaluation hub) and her team received $885,627 in funding to implement the Quebec Ministry of Health’s Chronic Pain Action Plan.

Their objectives? To improve services and support for people affected by chronic pain, promote care coordination throughout Quebec, and ultimately improve the quality of life of people living with it.

Approximately one in five Canadians live with chronic pain, which greatly affects various aspects of their daily lives (e.g., physical functioning, emotional well-being, social life). A significant lack of resources and insufficient training of caregivers in the field mean that care is less than optimal.

Steven Guilbeault, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and Member of Parliament for Laurier-Sainte-Marie, met with Manon Choinière, Gabrielle Pagé, also a researcher on the project, and members of his team at the CHUM on October 20, the day the funding was announced.

Manon Choinière’s team: nearly $900,000 to manage chronic pain in Quebec
