Remote work, a friend that wants the best for you

2 min
Christine Bellefeuille

They work among us. The research teams call upon their expertise every day. Discreet, indispensable cogs in the research centre’s activities, working far from the media spotlight. Without them, the CHUM Research Center’s (CRCHUM) heart would stop beating! Spotlight on five employees in the management team during the COVID‑19 pandemic.

For over a year, a third of the employed Canadian population has been working remotely. Productive from their home offices, most teleworkers expect to adopt this way of experiencing work once the pandemic is under control.

According to Christine Bellefeuille, senior human resources advisor, “The pandemic will be seen as a break between what people did before—which they took for granted—and what they do now! Despite its known limitations, such as professional and social isolation, remote work will become the norm. Accommodations in terms of schedule flexibility and work-life balance will have to be made.”

At the CRCHUM, the Department of Human Resources demonstrated resilience and supported managers, reassuring them of their employees’ ability to self-manage. “As long as there’s respect, the ability to listen, empathy and good customer service, it works—even at a distance!”

And empathy and compassion were qualities sorely needed by the HR team, who guided and supported grieving members of the big CRCHUM community with their different procedures. Beyond the numbers announced daily by the media, the deaths have a familiar face.

“Having research recognized as an essential activity is an excellent thing. Its prominence in the advancement of knowledge over the last year is also beneficial, particularly when it comes to recruiting the next generation of researchers.”

Pandemic or not, life goes on—but differently.

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Hidden figures—Portraits of five employees in the management team during the COVID‑19 pandemic

Remote work, a friend that wants the best for you


Faces of research