Vue sur ma science : Kaléidoscope d'émotions sous cannabis wins the hearts of the public

This July 15, the CRCHUM community designated among the six winning artworks of the second edition of the Vue sur ma Science competition. The one entitled Kaleidoscope of emotions under cannabis is the big winner of the second edition of the competition.
Amani Mahroug, PhD student in the laboratory of Didier Jutras-Aswad (Neurosciences axis) and author of this artwork, will receive a $600 scholarship for being elected Public Favorite. The five other finalists will receive a $300 scholarship for being selected among the winning artworks of the competition.
The Vue sur ma Science contest is dedicated to images from research conducted in all CRCHUM research themes (cancer, cardiometabolic, innovation hub, imaging and engineering, immunopathology, neurosciences). Among all the participants, six have been selected and put up for sale. All proceeds are then donated to CRCHUM students and trainees through the student committee.
Vue sur ma science : Kaléidoscope d'émotions sous cannabis wins the hearts of the public