François-Olivier HÉBERT

Phone: 581-741-4941
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Research Interests
Biology, a seemingly banal term, is derived from the Greek "bios" meaning "life" and "logos" meaning "discourse". Life can take innumerable forms and is expressed on a multitude of interlocking scales.
The aim of my work is to decipher, reveal and transmit the language that life spontaneously and unchangingly emits. At the very heart of the concept of discourse lies the principle of interaction: the source of the message emits a signal that reaches a receiver, which perceives the information and processes it accordingly. All these networks of interactions at every scale of life and in between the different scales that create the emergent property known as life.
My model of choice for understanding these complex dynamics is based on the interaction between the human species and the cannabis plant, whose main active compounds are metabolites used to respond to the environment and communicate. Understanding the foundations and applications of this natural, bidirectional relationship between humans and psychoactive substances is key to understanding the benefits and risks of this relationship.
This work involves conducting studies on the administration of different molecules produced by the cannabis plant in humans, in order to characterize their neuro-psychiatric and physiological effects, as well as their impact at a population level.
The creation of knowledge surrounding this organic dynamic enables us to acquire the power to act to reduce its risks of harms in more vulnerable populations and optimize its benefits, while guiding public health initiatives and messages. Ultimately, this kind of work generates a more refined understanding of our place or role within our environment and the mutual influences that flow from it.
If life has universal components, one of them is certainly the curiosity to understand itself.
Researcher in charge
The mission of the Neuroscience research theme is to elucidate the biological, environmental and social mechanisms of neurological diseases and to develop novel and innovative therapies to prevent, treat or cure them. The research activities are grouped into five themes, incorporating clinica…
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