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Adjunct professor Department of epidemiology, biostatistics and occupational health, McGill University
Professor Social and preventive medicine, École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal (ESPUM), Université de Montréal
Research Chair
Chairholder Chaire de recherche Guzzo-Societé de recherche sur le cancer en environnement et cancer / Guzzo Environment-Cancer Research Chair of the Cancer Research Society, Université de Montréal
Other Affiliations
Fellow Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Member Canadian Academy of Sciences and Health
Member Advisory Committee Occupational Cancer Research Center of Ontario
Member Advisory Committee of the Integrated Cancer Research Site (SIRIC) of BRIO (Bordeaux Integrated Oncology Research), France
Chair Scientific Advisory Committee of CONSTANCES, a large prospective cohort, under aegis of INSERM, France
Research Interests
- Cancer epidemiology and health survey methodology.
- Contributions to the development of novel methods of exposure assessment for the investigation of environmental/occupational causes of cancer; and large population-based case-control studies of cancer, focusing on occupational exposures.
- Methodological contribution to the calculation of lung cancers attributable to smoking during class actions filed by tobbacco victims.
Health innovation and evaluation hub
This research theme was born out of the desire to make the CHUM a learning, teaching and communicating hospital and to help achieve sustainable development goals related to individual and population health issues. Research at the HUB is therefore multidisciplinary and cross-cutting. Teams con…
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