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Physician Drug addiction service, CHUM
Full professor Department of family medicine and emergency medicine, Université de Montréal
Research Chair
Chairholder Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les soins intégrés pour les personnes qui consomment des drogues / Canada Research Chair on Integrated Care for People Who Use Drugs
Research Interests
Individual and contextual factors involved in the transmission of HIV and the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) among injection drug users (IDUs), with a view to identifying strategies for preventing new infections. These studies are conducted by monitoring a prospective IDU cohort seronegative for HIV and/or HCV. This cohort is linked to a geographic information system that makes it possible to study environmental and individual factors gathered during biannual meetings with participants.
Access to health care by drug addicts, in particular the evaluation of the impact of treatments for recent HCV infection among drug users on drug consumption and quality of life.
Several ongoing collaborations with researchers in epidemiology, clinical research and basic research in Quebec, Canada and abroad.
Health innovation and evaluation hub
This research theme was born out of the desire to make the CHUM a learning, teaching and communicating hospital and to help achieve sustainable development goals related to individual and population health issues. Research at the HUB is therefore multidisciplinary and cross-cutting. Teams con…
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