Sabrina Anh-Tu HOA

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Assistant Professor Department of Medicine, Université de Montréal
Rheumatologist Department of Medicine, CHUM
Research Interests
Scleroderma (or systemic sclerosis) is a life-threatening chronic autoimmune disease characterized by excessive fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. Interstitial lung disease is the leading cause of scleroderma-related mortality. The goal of my research program is to identify risk factors for progressive lung disease and to evaluate the role of therapies in the prevention of progression, especially in the early phases of disease when lung function is still normal. I am also interested in evaluating the early phases of scleroderma (“pre-scleroderma”) and early scleroderma cardiac involvement. My research projects use clinical and biological data from national scleroderma registries and explore the role of novel radiological technologies to evaluate early pulmonary and cardiac involvement.
The Immunopathology Research Theme comprises a group of researchers spanning the basic and clinical research continuum and focusing on the immune/inflammatory processes involved in the disturbance and restoration of homeostasis. These activities are rooted in shared visions regarding explorat…
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