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Assistant professor-researcher Department of medicine, Faculty of medicine, Université de Montréal
Research Chair
Chairholder Chaire de recherche du Canada en génomique fonctionnelle de la reproduction et du développement / Canada Research Chair in Functional Genomics of Reproduction and Development
Other Affiliation
Assistant Professor Department of clinical science, intervention and technology, Division of obstetrics and gynecology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden
Research Interests
- Investigate how "insults" during the preimplantation environment can modify the " omics " (methylome, transcriptome and noncoding RNAs) of the first three lineages at single cell resolution and how these alterations reprogram the placenta and developing fetus, ultimately leading to disease and disorder later in life.
- Investigate the impact of adjuvant therapies and ex vivo environment on preimplantation embryos, as occurring in Artificial Reproduction (ART).
- Unravel fundamental aspects of the mammalian preimplantation embryo development and RNA biology.
- Investigate the mechanism(s) underlying lineage formation in the mammalian embryo at a single-cell resolution.
The Immunopathology Research Theme comprises a group of researchers spanning the basic and clinical research continuum and focusing on the immune/inflammatory processes involved in the disturbance and restoration of homeostasis. These activities are rooted in shared visions regarding explorat…
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