Student and postdoctoral space
Student and postdoc activities calendar

Café échanges et gourmandises
This event provides to undergraduate interns, graduate students, residents, and postdoctoral fellows of the CRCHUM a great opportunity to discuss and network while enjoying delicious treats.

Congress of students, interns and residents of the CHUM
This annual event aims to promote knowledge sharing within the CHUM Research Centre community through oral presentations and scientific posters. It fosters new collaborations.
Science POP
A Quebec-wide initiative proposed by the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) and powered by Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé, Science POP is aimed at promoting dialogue between science and society.

Vue sur ma science contest
The Vue sur ma Science contest is dedicated to images from research conducted in all CRCHUM research themes (cancer, cardiometabolic, innovation hub, imaging and engineering, immunopathology, neurosciences).
Cérémonie Méritas
The Ceremonie meritas celebrates the academic excellence and commitment of the CRCHUM's students, interns and residents, recognizing their exceptional efforts and achievements.