For the first CRCHUM Interdisciplinary Conference of 2023, to take place on January 13 at noon, our guest will be John Stagg, professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy and researcher with the Cancer Research Theme of the CRCHUM since 2010. He is also the Chairholder for the Jean-Guy Sabourin Family Pharmaceutical Chair in Women’s Health. During the conference, Professor Stagg will discuss the development of extracellular adenosine pathway inhibitors in immuno-oncology. He will explain the role of ectonucleotidases CD73 and CD39 in the development of pancreatic cancer and the metabolic effects of enzyme CD73 and the adenosine A2A receptor.
John Stagg has been a professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy and a researcher with the CRCHUM’s Cancer Research Theme since 2010. An immunologist by training, Professor Stagg has published more than 100 scientific papers in the field of immuno-oncology. Among other things, his work has led to the development of therapeutic antibodies targeting the extracellular adenosine pathway, currently in clinical trials. Stagg’s laboratory is funded by the CIHR, the FRQS, the Terry Fox Research Institute, the Quebec Cancer Consortium, Ovarian Cancer Canada, IVADO-Génome Québec and the Sabourin Family Research Chair.
CRCHUM amphitheatre
900, Saint-Denis Street, 5th floor
R05.212A and R05.212B
Adenosine Inhibitors in Immuno-Oncology: Interdisciplinary Conferences
CRCHUM events