Dr. Adriana Di Polo, a principal scientist of the neuroscience axis and current holder of a Canada research chair in glaucoma and age-related neurodegeneration, will receive the 2019 Dr. Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize for her article titled “Insulin signalling promotes dendrite and synapse regeneration and restores circuit function after axonal injury” published in the journal Brain.
The Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize provides a $30,000 award in recognition of an outstanding scholarly article on glaucoma published in a peer-reviewed journal during the previous calendar year. Its intent is to recognize and encourage exemplary scholarly research in the field of glaucoma.
This prestigious award is funded through a generous donation from the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation with support of his brother Jack Rudin to the ARVO Foundation for Eye Research.
The 2019–2020 ARVO Foundation Awards will be officially presented on Sunday, May 3, 2020, at the ARVO Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.
Adriana Di Polo, Recipient of the 2019 Dr. Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize