Phone: 514-890-8000, ext. 36210
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Internist & Infectious diseases specialist Department of medicine, CHUM
Medical microbiologist Laboratory medicine Department, CHUM
Assistant professor Department of microbiology, infectiology and immunology, Université de Montréal
Other Affiliations
Affiliate researcher Institut Pasteur de Madagascar
Affiliate researcher McGill International TB Center
Research Interests
Dr. Grandjean Lapierre leads a translational research program focused on Tuberculosis control in Canada and abroad, notably in Madagascar. His research activities principally include the impact assessment of new innovative technologies and molecular diagnostic tools on Tuberculosis control.
Molecular diagnostics
- Molecular epidemiology and transmission
- Molecular diagnostics from primary clinical samples
Innovative technologies
- Digital cough monitoring for screening and clinical management of respiratory diseases
The Immunopathology Research Theme comprises a group of researchers spanning the basic and clinical research continuum and focusing on the immune/inflammatory processes involved in the disturbance and restoration of homeostasis. These activities are rooted in shared visions regarding explorat…
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